

Join The Veterinary Comparative Respiratory Society Today!

With membership in the VCRS you can support quality scientific symposia directed to generalists, specialists, and researchers. You also receive a copy of the annual symposium proceedings, where you will find the first reports of cutting-edge research in pulmonary science, long before the information is available to the general scientific community. In addition, you benefit from the camaraderie of your fellow pulmonologists, making key contacts and rubbing elbows with the “movers and shakers” of veterinary and comparative pulmonology.

Description of our membership

For those of you who have renewed your membership, we appreciate your support and hope to continue to provide you with quality continuing education and support for your students and residents.

The Veterinary Comparative Respiratory Society is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide a forum for the discussion of the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the respiratory system, and the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory disease in all animals. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in comparative respiratory systems, including veterinarians, physicians, physiologists, pathologists, respiratory therapists, and other allied health professionals. The VCRS sponsors lectures at major veterinary meetings, an annual scientific symposium, an Internet Web page (, graduate research projects, and the Joan O’Brien Research Award. The Joan O’Brien Research Award is given at the annual scientific symposium to outstanding resident or graduate student research presentations.

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